lass mal wir sein

LASS MAL WIR SEIN — LISTEN. LEARN. MORE AWARENESS. TALK ABOUT IT! We have to listen. We have to learn. We need to get more awareness. We need to talk about it!

Every year around 200,000 children are born with trisomy 21 worldwide. In today's society, the triple presence of the 21st chromosome still means a deviation from the ideal image and thus from the “norm”. For people with Down-Syndrome and their family members, however, it means one thing above all: unconditional love, a feeling for subtle nuances, contentment, closeness and joy.

#lassmalwirsein gives people like Marina visibility in our society and that's what makes this work important. Giving people with Down-Syndrome and people with disabilities a face and put them in the middle of our society. Because visibility is the beginning and the key to a inclusive society.

After her work HUNDERTDREIUNDVIERZIEG ZENTIMETER in 2014, the photographer, Sabine Lewandowski, launched #lassmalwirsein as a campaign from the Label MARI&ANNE together with her sister Marina in 2021. Together they were able to win thirty companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 2022 and 2023, who supported #lassmalwirsein in an unusual way.

The result is a booklet that presents every year different personalities with Down-Syndrome in pictures and personal stories. Every year on March 21st is World-Down-Syndrome-Day. They print 10,000 copies of the booklet. The booklet provides a first approach to the subject of Down-Syndrome and show insights that might otherwise remain closed to many people.

The unique campaign #lassmalwirsein shows how art and business can work together and create awareness for a important topic. The 10,000 copies were send with regular orders from all 30 companies to their customers over a period of 14 days to spread more awareness for People with Down-Syndrome.


Portraits 2011 — 2024


Paris, New York, die Welt. — F. C. Gundlach